Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Marah. Sedih. Kecewa. Benci. Semua la ada!!

Tak cukup dengan exam yang macam haram, tambah pulak ngan gaduh dengan Asrul. Thank you. Best sungguh la rasanya hari ni!

Sebelum gaduh ngan Asrul tu ade nampak poster ceramah agama kat cafe. I don't remember the exact words but what it said went something like this

"Wanita yang paling anggun adalah yang mensyukuri sesuatu yang diberinya, bersabar apabila tidak mendapat apa-apa, dan apabila disuruh mentaatinya".

Okay. Bagus kalau anda begitu. Seriously, sangat bagus. Bila husband bagi something, sangat bersyukur. Kalau tak dapat apa-apa sabar je. And kalau disuruh buat apa-apa terus buat.

The thing is, I am not like that. I'm sorry but I am not like that and never will be. If you give me something I do not like, I will say thank you but I will never wear/use it. If you do not give me anything when you should (like my birthday or something), I will get mad. And if you ask me to do anything, I will ask for a reason. And there's a 70% chance that I will not do whatever it is you want me to do.

I am not a soft-spoken girl. I am hot-tempered and strong-headed. I follow my heart and then may regret things I say but not apologize to you because I have a huge ego. I expect you to tolerate my bad side but I will not tolerate yours.

Can you see what a terrible girlfriend I am?

Seriously, I am going through a really bad phase right now. Marah sangat. Kenapa la macam ni. Kenapa la dia tak faham.

But then again, I sendiri pun tak faham.

I want someone to dig me a hole and just let me hibernate until like, forever.


miSz tUna said...

OMG. Bad patch. Kinda tengah happen in my life right now.
But I don't know why.

Khairatul Azwa said...

kan kan..tough kan jadi perempuan ni..ade je yang x kena..haha..just have to hope things get better je la..xpe2, i understand..=)